Ceiling Fan Installation

Ceiling Fan Replacement & Repair


If you would like your home or business to have ceiling fans or replace/repair the ones you already have, Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC can help! Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC makes sure your ceiling fan is installed safely, cost-efficiently, and in a timely manner. We have been helping community members with their ceiling fan needs for 28 years.


Ceiling Fan Installation


Call for a Quote!

(828) 528-7844


Ceiling fan installation by Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC.Three Reasons to Call Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC For Ceiling Fan Installation, Replacement, or Repair

Licensed Electricians – Installing a ceiling fan can be a complicated procedure, considering the fixture’s weight and potentially awkward location. Wiring for a new ceiling fan and actually hanging up the fixture is best left to the professionally trained electricians at Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC.

Affordable Prices – Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC will help you save money as well, providing professional service at competitive prices. Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC supplies all of the wiring and controls necessary for ceiling fan installation and will move an existing ceiling fan or install your new one quickly and for a fair price. Avoid doing this project yourself and save money by calling Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC.

Solid Warranty – With Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC on the job you can you to trust that your ceiling fan has been securely mounted. Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC even stands behind all ceiling fan installation projects with a solid customer service warranty. In the business since 1997, Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC can provide a list of satisfied local customers for references.


Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC's Ceiling Fan Installation Services

With years of experience in every stage of ceiling fan installation, Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC crews have the tools and skills to handle the details, including:

  • Sizing the Junction Box
  • Wiring the Ceiling Fan
  • Securing the Fan to Beam
  • Installing Lighting and Fan Controls
  • Installing Light Bulbs
  • Testing the Fixture

Trust in the professional work and solid warranty offered by Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC, experts in ceiling fan installation for an affordable price. Improve your living space by calling Tri-City Electric of North Carolina, LLC at (828) 528-7844 today for a free quote.

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